Author: Mikayla

Op zoek naar een nieuwe crypto-godheid

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Vorige week schreef ik over technologie die Disney overnam. Deze week heb ik het over de zoektocht naar een nieuwe crypto-messias.


Het grote ding

Elon heeft zijn welkom onder de crypto-illuminati versleten en de acolieten van Bitcoin zijn op zoek naar een nieuwe keizergod-koning.


Dit weekend zijn duizenden crypto-aanhangers en investeerders neergedaald op een conferentie met Bitcoin-thema in Miami, een zeer echte, zeer zwaar geproduceerde conferentie met crypto-beroemdheden en echte beroemdheden die allemaal op een missie zijn om golven te maken. Dogecoin koers verwachting is omhoog.


Ook al ben ik niet persoonlijk op de conferentie (panels van het hoofdpodium werden online live gestreamd), ik heb genoeg uitnodigingen in mijn e-mail voor afterparty’s met beroemdheden, open bars en eindeloze gesprekken over de gevaren van fiat. De cryptocurrency-gemeenschap is nooit groter of rijker geweest dankzij de meest vurige bull-run tot nu toe, en ondanks een behoorlijk opmerkelijke correctie in de afgelopen weken, geloven mensen dat het beste nog moet komen.


Ondanks dat ze zoveel hebben, lijkt het erop dat ze nog steeds een patroonheilige missen.


Voor de langste periode waren dat SpaceX en Tesla CEO Elon Musk die de valuta versterkten door Tesla ertoe aan te zetten contant geld op zijn balans in bitcoin te investeren, terwijl Tesla er ook op aandrong om bitcoin-betalingen voor zijn voertuigen te accepteren. Zoals ik in het verleden in deze nieuwsbrief heb opgemerkt, had Musk het moeilijk om het pure energieverbruik van het wereldwijde netwerk van bitcoin te verzoenen met zijn eco-krijger bravoure, wat leek te leiden tot zijn milde en ongelijke excommunicatie (hoewel ik zeker weet dat hij welkom is) op elk moment terug).


Er zijn tal van beroemdheden die zijn schoenen willen vullen – een recente goedkeuring die fout is gegaan door Soulja Boy was een van de meer komische voorbeelden.


Crypto is onbekend

Crypto is geen onbekende voor grift – daar kunnen zelfs de meest hardcore crypto-grifters het waarschijnlijk over eens zijn – en ik denk dat er enige overeenstemming is dat de enige leider die het evangelie echt kan prediken iemand is die al zo rijk is dat ze het niet eens nodig hebben meer geld. Het is een van de redenen waarom de gemeenschap zoveel respect heeft getoond voor Ethereum-oprichter Vitalik Buterin, die er echt niet veel om lijkt te geven om rijker te worden – hij schonk ongeveer $ 1 miljard aan crypto aan Covid-hulpverleningsinspanningen in India. Een Musk-achtige cheerleader heeft echter een ander doel en daarom is de gemeenschap op zoek naar een goede miljardair.


De beste runner-up op dit moment lijkt Jack Dorsey te zijn, en hoewel hij – net als Musk – ook een andere dubbele CEO is, verschilt hij nogal van hem in gedrag en verlangen naar de schijnwerpers. Hij was echter een hoofdspreker op de Bitcoin-conferentie in Miami.


Dorsey verzamelt de meeste krantenkoppen voor zijn werk op Twitter, maar het is Square waar hij het grootste deel van zijn crypto-enthousiasme pusht. Gebruikers kunnen de Cash-app van Square al gebruiken om Bitcoin te kopen. Minuten voordat hij vrijdag het podium betrad, tweette Dorsey een thread waarin stond dat Square geïnteresseerd was in het bouwen van een eigen hardwareportemonnee waarop gebruikers cryptocurrency zoals bitcoin konden opslaan buiten de grenzen van een uitwisseling.


“Bitcoin verandert absoluut alles”, zei Dorsey op het podium. “Ik denk niet dat er iets belangrijkers in mijn leven is om aan te werken.”


Positief over bitcoin

En hoewel de miljardair Dorsey op papier een goede keuze lijkt, tweet hij vaak over bitcoin, maar alleen goede tweets. Hij verdedigt de gevolgen voor het milieu. Hij komt naar House misinformatie hoorzittingen met een bitcoin-tracker duidelijk zichtbaar op de achtergrond. Hij is helaas ook de CEO van Twitter, een bedrijf dat wil heersen over zijn meer lastige gebruikers – waaronder een zeer lastige gebruiker – heeft een breuk veroorzaakt tussen hem en de zeer luidruchtige libertaire sekte van de cryptogemeenschap.


Dorsey kwam niet erg ver in zijn toespraak voordat een bedrieger een scène maakte waarin hij hem een ​​hypocriet noemde vanwege dit alles met een paar anderen die binnenkwamen, maar zoals elke goede potentiële crypto-koning zou weten te doen, wachtte hij gewoon rustig op de geluid om te sterven.


Andere dingen

Hier zijn de TechCrunch-nieuwsverhalen die deze week vooral mijn aandacht trokken:


Het Trump-verbod van Facebook duurt minimaal 2 jaar

In reactie op de aanbevelingen van de Facebook Oversight Board dat het bedrijf meer specificiteit biedt rond het verbod op voormalig president Trump, kondigde het bedrijf vrijdag aan dat het Trump in ieder geval tot januari 2023 van zijn platforms zal weren, hoewel het bedrijf zichzelf in feite de mogelijkheid heeft gegeven om die deadline te verlengen als ze dat wil… Cardano verwachting is gestegen.


Nigeria schort Twitter op

Nigeria sluit de toegang tot Twitter in het land af met een overheidsfunctionaris die het “gebruik van het platform voor activiteiten die capabel zijn” noemt. om het bedrijfsbestaan ​​van Nigeria te ondermijnen.” Twitter noemde de sluiting “zeer zorgwekkend”.


Stack Overflow wordt overgenomen voor $ 1,8 miljard

Stack Overflow, een van de meest bezochte sites van ontwikkelaars in de technologische industrie, werd overgenomen door Prosus. De zware investeringsfirma is vooral bekend vanwege het bezit van een enorm deel van Tencent. De oprichters van Stack Overflow zeggen dat de site onder het nieuwe management onafhankelijk zal blijven opereren.


Spotify verhoogt zijn personalisatie

Muziekdienst Spotify lanceerde deze week een speciale sectie genaamd Only You, die tot doel heeft een deel van de personalisatie vast te leggen die het heeft geserveerd in zijn jaarlijkse Spotify Wrapped-recensie. Hoogtepunten van de nieuwe functie zijn onder meer gemengde afspeellijsten met vrienden en beoordelingen halverwege het jaar.


Hooggerechtshof beperkt Amerikaanse hackwet in historische zaak

Rechters van de conservatieve en liberale vleugels hebben zich verenigd in een historische uitspraak die grenzen stelt aan welk soort gedrag kan worden vervolgd op grond van de controversiële Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.


Deze ene e-mail legt Apple uit

Hier is een leuke, de e-mailuitwisseling die de App Store heeft voortgebracht tussen wijlen Steve Jobs en SVP van Software Engineering, Bertrand Serlet, zoals geannoteerd door mijn baas Matthew Panzarino.

Medevoorzitter van Man Utd, Avram Glazer, zet voor £ 70 miljoen aan aandelen te koop

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Hij zou een enorme meevaller kunnen krijgen nadat hij aankondigde dat hij 5.000.000 Klasse A-verkoopt, maar dit heeft geen invloed op het eigendom van de club.

Medevoorzitter van Manchester United, Avram Glazer, heeft vijf miljoen van zijn aandelen, met een waarde van ongeveer £ 70 miljoen ($ 97 miljoen), te koop aangeboden.


United maakte donderdagavond het besluit van Glazer bekend, en het bod loopt naar verwachting tot dinsdag. Met de huidige waardering van de New York Stock Exchange van $ 20,13 per aandeel per aandeel, zou dit zijn dat hij in aanmerking komt om $ 101 miljoen (£ 72 miljoen) binnen te halen.


Als de verkoop zou gebeuren, zou het eigendom van de Glazers van de club dalen van 78 procent naar 74,9% en het is duidelijk dat de familie niet van plan is om het eigendom volledig af te staan. BAM aandeel koers is omhoog.


Wat is er gezegd?

De verklaring van donderdagavond bevestigde dat de club geen geld van de verkoop zou ontvangen: “Manchester United plc [” Manchester United “] kondigde vandaag de aanbieding aan van 5.000.000 van zijn Klasse A Gewone Aandelen door de Avram Glazer Irrevocable Exempt Trust [de “Verkopende aandeelhouder”].



“Manchester United zal geen opbrengsten ontvangen uit de verkoop van gewone aandelen van klasse Een door de verkopende aandeelhouder. Het aanbod zal naar verwachting op 16 maart 2021 worden afgerond.”


Wat betekent dit?

Klasse A-aandelen, die dit zijn, hebben een tiende van de stemrechten van Klasse B-aandelen en de familie Glazer bezit de gros van Manchester United.


Het is duidelijk dat de familie geen plannen heeft om de controle op te geven. Als de verkoop doorgaat, zou het persoonlijke belang van Avram Glazer in de club dalen tot 10,2%, terwijl het gezin als geheel iets minder dan 75% zou bezitten.


Wat voor invloed heeft dit op United?

Kortom, het heeft helemaal geen invloed op hen. De familie Glazer heeft nog steeds de overgrote gros van de aandelen en er zijn geen aanwijzingen dat ze plannen heeft om deze op korte termijn te verkopen. Amazon koers aandeel is gestegen.


Wat de financiën van de club betreft, kondigde United vorige week in hun laatste financiële resultaten aan dat ze hun nettoschuld hadden zien groeien tot £ 455,5 miljoen ($ 633 miljoen), een stijging van £ 64,2 miljoen ($ 89 miljoen) in vergelijking met de resultaten van vorig jaar.​Hoewel de hoofdschuld hetzelfde blijft, is het duidelijk dat de toename van de netto-inkomsten voornamelijk te wijten is aan het gebrek aan inkomsten als gevolg van de pandemie van het coronavirus.



What does scooter insurance cost? A few things that play a role in the monthly premium of your policy

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The cost of scooter insurance, also known as moped insurance or moped insurance, is different for every situation. This is because there are a number of factors that determine the cost of scooter insurance. You have no influence on some of these factors, such as your age or where you live, but for other factors you can make it as cheap or expensive as you want. In this article, we’ll delve into the structure of the cost of moped insurance. Are you interested in tips on how to save? Then also read our article on 5 tips to save on your scooterverzekering kosten.

Factors costs scooter insurance

  1. Costs WA scooter insurance
  2. Costs WA + Theft scooter insurance
  3. Costs WA + All Risk scooter insurance
  4. Costs scooter insurance overview

What factors influence the costs of scooter insurance?

The cost of scooter insurance is influenced by the following factors:

  • Your age;
  • Your place of residence (zip code);
  • Type of moped and year of manufacture;
  • The coverage of your scooter insurance;
  • The number of accrued claim-free years;
  • Whether there is a youngest driver;
  • Additional insurances;
  • Listed value of your moped.


The age of the youngest driver determines the premium of a scooter insurance. Usually, the youngest driver is the same person as the policyholder. If this is not the case, then it is important to always specify the youngest driver for one of the goedkoopste brommerverzekeringen in Nederland.

The cost of scooter insurance for a 16-year-old is much higher than the cost of scooter insurance for someone who is middle-aged. This is because insurers rate the risk of a 16-year-old driver higher than the risk of an older driver. Moped insurance premiums are highest up to age 23, after that the costs stabilize somewhat.


Based on your postal code, the insurer determines where you live. For example, do you live in the city? Then the costs for a moped insurance are higher than when you live in a quiet area. Again, the insurer considers the risk of using your moped in the city higher than in a quiet area.



Selecting Investment Funds By Performance, But Is This Always The Smartest Way To Invest On The Stock Market?

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Anyone who has followed the news a little bit over the past period has probably heard the name Standard & Poor’s (S&P) pass by a number of times. Especially when it came to the creditworthiness of (the economy) of the Netherlands and especially Shell aandelen were under big pressure after the coronavirus. This credit rating agency is taken very seriously when it comes to assessing financial and economic performance, even to such an extent that a negative rating for a country has immediate annoying consequences on the loan market.

However, Standard & Poor’s is not only concerned with assessing countries and governments, investment funds are also regularly scrutinized by this assessor. These assessments can provide interesting information for you as a potential participant in an investment fund. If an investment fund is assessed particularly well by S&P, it will receive a Platinum rating. With a Gold or Silver rating, a fund still performs well in the various areas (return, risk, management, etc.). From Bronze on, it is already a bit less. The returns are indicated with stars (5 stars is a very high return, 1 star is a low return). In addition to S&P, Moody’s and Fitch are also involved in assessing investment funds.

Comparing fund investments on return and risk

The ratings of the rating companies give a fairly nice overall picture of the working method, success and reliability of an investment fund. However, before you make a choice you will probably want more specific information on certain topics. One point at which investment funds can be compared is the level of return that a fund is able to achieve. Those who are willing to take (relatively) much risk can choose an investment fund that is known for its high returns. However, a very high return usually means that the risks are also quite high. When comparing investment funds, you can assume that return and risk are inversely proportional to each other, regardless of the nice talk that some investment funds proclaim on their own site.

Comparing funds at an additional cost

It is nice to know that your investments in an investment fund are managed by a team of financial specialists and analysts. These people know about it! At the same time, it means that investing through an investment fund involves extra costs that you would not incur if you arranged your investments yourself. The employees of the investment fund have to be paid and the fund wants to improve itself. For this reason, a number of different costs are charged to the private investor who joins an investment fund. Different investment funds have different costs, and the amount of these costs can vary considerably per fund. This makes it interesting to take a good look at the costs when comparing funds. Funds are required by law to clearly state all costs, and they usually do this in a prospectus, what also helps is starting with the so called ”broker vergelijken” to make sure you choose a safe and reliable partner when investing in funds.

Can You Invest In A Green Future Without Having To Worry About Returns On Investment? A Few Cases To Consider!

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When you want to start investing a lot of questions come up. How much risk do I want to take? In which sectors do I want to invest? How do I know that my investments are ethical? Things you will need to look into when you decide to invest.

  • Many investors are concerned about our planet. They are worried about the increasing CO2 emissions, the increasingly warming earth and the animal species that are in danger of disappearing due to deforestation or other degradation of their living environment. One of the most active parties that is trying to change this is this online broker in Germany, they are actively trying to seduce investors to take investing in green markets seriously.

Where can you invest in green markets?

Green investing is possible at almost every broker. A broker is a party that makes it possible to buy and sell shares and investment funds, for example. It is important to research the underlying products yourself. In this way you can determine whether the company or fund in which you want to invest takes sufficient account of social themes. It goes without saying that you also want to achieve a high return with green investments. Therefore use the button below to compare the best brokers! This way you can be sure that you will be investing with the most advantageous and professional party!

Investing in a Green Fund

If you want to contribute to a greener, more environmentally friendly planet, you can choose to invest in a green fund. By investing green you invest in green projects approved by the Dutch government. These are the so-called Green Funds. When you invest in a green fund it means that you are entitled to a number of tax benefits. In concrete terms, this means that you can make use of the tax rebate for green investments of 0.7% of the exempted capital for green investments. In this way, you pay less tax in box 1.

  • In addition to this tax discount, you will also receive exemption from the capital gains tax. This tax benefit amounts to 1.2%. This benefit applies up to an amount of approximately 58,540 euros. This means that you pay even less tax in box 3. All in all, green investment can therefore be an attractive investment. After all, the tax benefits already guarantee a limited return. Moreover, green investments do not appear to be inferior to normal investments. Green investments also regularly generate high returns.
  • However, it can sometimes be difficult to find a green fund that accepts customers. There is currently a great deal of demand for green investments. However, you can also choose to open a green savings account. With a green savings account you are entitled to the same benefits as with an investment account. With the low interest rate this can be more advantageous than a normal savings account! Do you want to know more about these benefits? Then read the guide at Commoditytradealert.AR

Jobs in Bahrain – A Favorable Country To Work In

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Occupations in Bahrain are found in different areas for gifted and semi-talented individuals as the country is very reformist today than any time in recent memory. The harmonious territory of Bahrain or just Bahrain is situated in the Persian Gulf and is encircled by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. With in excess of 100 miles of coastlines, Bahrain is honored with rich assets like oil, fish stock and pearls. It has the freest economy among the Middle East countries and an incredible business center.

Monetary position

Expats pick Bahrain as the nation gives a sumptuous way of life and powerful compensations and motivators. The working conditions are incredible and give better framework also. Any business is prepared to pay a more significant compensation, given the forthcoming representative is gifted, taught and qualified.

Kind of occupation areas in Bahrain

Most encouraging areas extending employment opportunities in Bahrain for expats incorporate enterprises dependent on oil parade and the oil refining areas, creation and the fare of aluminum. What’s more, development, transport fix, account, banking and the travel industry, telecom businesses additionally pull in employment hopefuls over the globe.

Compensation and advantages

At the point when talk about pay rates, it very well may be low or high dependent on the position, organization, area, expat’s identity, experience and capabilities. For example, a senior level leader acquired month to month in 2012 pay rates like $10,714 ( Sales/,showcasing), $10,344.8 ( banking), $9,938 (Construction), $9202 (Information Technology), $9,427 (Human Resources), $8576 (Advertising). Dissimilar to previously, nowadays, the vast majority of advantages like costs for vehicle, convenience and so on are not given and thus, expat needs to ensure that his fundamental compensation scale is sufficient to cover every one of these costs.

Working hours and ends of the week

Working hours in Bahrain start around 8:30 am or 9:00 am and end at around 5:30 pm or 6:00. Nonetheless, most Govt associations work from 7:30 to 2:00pm. Contingent on the organization’s strategy, week by week hours can be anything somewhere in the range of 40 and 48 hours. During month of Ramadan, work day lessens to six hours. Notwithstanding, numerous organizations apply this standard just to Muslims. Ordinarily, Bahrain follows an end of the week having Thursday and Friday, however worldwide organizations go for Friday and Saturday.

Average cost for basic items in Bahrain

In the event that you are intending to move in Bahrain to take up a work, it is smarter to have some data about the average cost for basic items there. In spite of the fact that convenience means significant cost for an expat, they can get a good lodging in each spending like a completely outfitted two-room level around can be employed at BHD 700 and it incorporates utilities and expenses too. With respect to move, if recruit another SUV, it can cost you something around BHD 400 month to month, however in the event that you go for a second-hand more seasoned model, the expense is extremely low. On the off chance that you get a taxi from downtown area to the air terminal, it will cost you BHD 4.

Instruction for expats

Expats moving in with families need to think about instruction in Bahrain. Since, expats are not permitted in Bahrain government funded schools, they need to send their children in private or global schools. Global schools offer particular instructive educational programs, yet they are a cycle costly as they can cost anything around BHD 7000 every year and extra costs for course books, uniform, extracurricular and that’s just the beginning.

Social climate

Bahrain is an Islamic country, yet it shows resilience of different religions and ethnic gatherings. Western garments is satisfactory however, uncovering garments and public showcase of love isn’t endured. Bahrain today is situated as the Number 1 spot in the Middle East regarding expectations for everyday comforts.

Diversion and nightlife

Bahrain has clamoring habitats for diversion and nightlife. One can appreciate most recent worldwide movies in multiplex films, visit exhibition halls, recorded locales and energizing craftsmanship displays. Spots like Bahrain Bay, City Center Mall and Al Areen in Manama are going on spots for a few relaxation and amusement occasions. Bahrain offers host of choices for outside exercises, for example, taking a voyage, different water sports, swimming, scuba plunging and stream skiing and so on Expats can appreciate global cooking and exceptionally energizing nightlife.

Visa and work license

You can’t work in the nation in the event that you don’t have a substantial work visa. Be that as it may, you can’t get a work visa except if you have a bid for employment. The organization that is extending to an employment opportunity can mastermind work grants for their expat representatives preceding their appearance in the nation. Likewise, expats are needed to submit different records like legitimate identification, one extra visa photo and an ongoing wellbeing testament.

Sources to secure positions

One can go after positions in Bahrain through the organization sites or through paper or inlet work gateways. Most expats are utilized through a talent scout or an enrollment office.

Real Estate Property Investment Series: Focus Bahrain 2007

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In spite of its long term history, US united Bahrain is an ‘arising’ country and has been in a huge condition of progress since the current lord and previous amir of Bahrain Sheik Hamad receptacle Isa Al Khalifa came to control in 1999 and it’s important that any speculator inspecting the property market possibilities in Bahrain revenue driven potential in 2007 and past comprehends the idea of the improvement of the nation before they consider focusing on it.

While the current time of progress presently implies that Bahrain has gotten one of the most prosperous and appealing countries in the Gulf district in which to live, work, contribute and succeed, it’s quickly extending economy and critical political changes have made a fundamental sensation of destabilization among specific groups of the nearby populace.

While as a rule Bahrain’s property market possibilities for 2007 are extremely certain in fact and this article covers the inspirational possibilities for the market, it likewise subtleties the fundamental issues that could sabotage the transient appeal of the nation’s land area so financial specialists can settle on as educated a choice as conceivable about market passage and venture responsibility.

Since the current lord of Bahrain came to control his country has made unbelievable progress…on the political front Bahrain is presently aligned with any semblance of the USA and UK, it has an international alliance set up with America, it has open races and in 2006 the main ever female parliamentarian in any Arab Gulf nation was chosen into office in Bahrain. On the monetary front the lord of Bahrain has been vital to the progress of his country away from its financial reliance on oil and going ahead into 2007 and past, Bahrain has a solid economy with positive yearly GDP development rates.

These variables have by implication begun a property market insurgency which is generally fuelled by worldwide residents moving in more noteworthy numbers to Bahrain to live and work. The explanation behind this is that Bahrain is situated in a significant vital situation in the Gulf and has willingly volunteered to be the country offering least protection from worldwide organizations requiring an actual presence in the district. Because of alluring enactment, straightforward strategic approaches and a low/no assessment strategy, Bahrain has prevailing with regards to pulling in enormous quantities of global and worldwide companies to its shores who each require a base in the Gulf district and who each enlist huge quantities of global ostracizes who are presently moving to live in Bahrain.

This resultant solid internal relocation of expert exiles requesting lodging saw Bahrain being one of the first of the Gulf countries to concede freehold land possession rights to outsiders. This has implied that now global residents and financial specialists are purchasing up wraps of land as it goes to the market and driving up property costs far from the nearby populace. Notwithstanding this circumstance, gracefully of property particularly in the principle business zones is in restricted flexibly which has additionally brought about a furious rental market too which further prohibits numerous nearby residents – plainly the entirety of this action has made a sensation of dissatisfaction among neighborhood Bahraini residents and it is this disappointment that is causing an inclination of alienation.

There is another factor influencing the lodging market in Bahrain too – as Bahrain is joined by a 25 km highway to neighboring Saudi Arabia but is an unquestionably more changed and open minded nation, Westerners working in Saudi are likewise deciding to live in Bahrain and to drive over the King Fahd Causeway as opposed to live straightforwardly in Saudi Arabia. From one perspective these components imply that there is solid and expanding interest for business and private property available to be purchased and lease in Bahrain among an inexorably well-off worldwide network – this implies that in 2007 and past there will be an ideal climate in Bahrain for property speculators to misuse.

Then again anyway there is mounting pressure among those neighborhood individuals who can’t keep on bearing the cost of the rising land costs. While this strain goes generally disregarded some are beginning to state that Bahrain has moved too quick in growing new regions of its economy and in permitting worldwide organizations to set up activities in the nation. These multinationals have been blamed for generally utilizing ostracize staff in a nation where, particularly among the Bahraini youth, there are critical joblessness issues and furthermore the lowest pay permitted by law issues.

Along these lines, while worldwide interest for property in Bahrain is solid and expanding and improbable to die down in 2007 which implies financial specialists have a hot market to target, expanding area and development costs and a developing division between neighborhood moderateness and land costs is establishing an undeniable climate of uneasiness that ought not go neglected by a speculator deciding if the dangers of market passage exceed the possibilities for property market benefit.